uspol, trans document changes (passports, driver's licenses)
Trans and non-binary folk, if you haven't updated your passport or social security marker then unfortunately time has run out.
There are credible reports of folks having difficulties getting those updated or even having their passports revoked until they're "fixed" to match their birth certificate.
That said if you already got your passport updated, you should be good until it needs to be renewed.
Also bear in mind, driver's licenses and birth certificates are state provided documents and not directly controlled by the federal government. If your states allow for those to be updated still, you should be able to do so.
It's also recommended that you have multiple copies of any documents you take to a passport appointment.
It's very scary right now, but try not to panic. Find security in knowledge.
re: uspol, trans document changes (passports, driver's licenses)
Oh and -- if you have a passport with an "X" gender, I strongly recommend making any trips out of the country one-way for now, as there's some talk of denying re-entry or allowing re-entry but confiscating your passport so you can't leave again.
I don't know how credible those are yet. Just advising caution.
I've also seen it recommended that if you're trans and not a US citizen, that you hold off on any trips to the US at least until things settle down.
re: uspol, trans passport renewal
If you're trans / non-binary and your passport renewal application has been delayed or denied due to Trump's executive order, the ACLU would like to speak to you.
re: uspol, trans document changes (passports, driver's licenses)
@jenny753 I'm trans and otherwise marginalized and definitely not gonna travel into countries with fash governments if I can anyhow avoid it. Be it Italy, or the US. Or TERF island. Just hard if the country of my residence should turn fash soon too.