is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Inspired by - a place for independent creators of all sorts. If you create and publish independent art, comics, music, table top games, video games or the written word, you're welcome here.

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On our date night last night, Shae introduced me to a new game that any* two people online can play, and it turns out to be really fun!

You go to Wikipedia, and one of you (take turns doing this) names something off the top of their head that they're pretty sure a Wikipedia page exists for. (If you're not sure, you can use the search without submitting it just to see if a page turns up.)

After you both acknowledge that you understand the target, you simultaneously (we did a 3-2-1 on the voice chat) click "Random Page".

The goal is then to see who can reach the target page first ONLY BY CLICKING INTERNAL LINKS. No external links or typing allowed. We did eventually allow the back button so you could get yourself out of dead ends, but tried to use it in only that way.

It's surprisingly fun!

(* If you use a screen reader or other access technologies, or if, like me, you read VERY slowly, you might not be very competitive if your opponent does not also.)