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Inspired by - a place for independent creators of all sorts. If you create and publish independent art, comics, music, table top games, video games or the written word, you're welcome here.

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Our guide on how to make yourself a name in toki pona is now available!

This is specifically aimed at people who do not know toki pona but have friends who do, and goes through the whole process, from head noun to tokiponization. It's about 3k words, including a 300-word summary, plus the appendix with a list of plausible head nouns. And there are .html and .pdf files available for download at the bottom of the page.

Please let us know if you check it out! And let us know about anything that needs fixing - we're still learning the language ourselves.

itch.ionaming yourself in toki pona by PackbatA guide for people who don't know toki pona but want toki pona names