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proposal to all youtube video producers: the next time you think of asking ChatGPT a question for a video, consider drawing a tarot card instead:

  1. environmentally friendly
  2. does not support an anti-labor business
  3. far fewer people traumatized by abusive imagery in the course of its creation
  4. way less plagiarism involved
  5. equally reliable source of information
Mx. Eddie R
Quiet public

👆 Also, middle management and upwards, team leads, and all nontechnical leaders of technical people.

Packbats, HTML fangirls ΘΔ&
Quiet public

@silvermoon82 frankly, also technical people - we would trust code authored by cartomancy over that authored by Microsoft Copilot

Irenes (many)

@Packbat ah, sorry, we don't use KDE. good luck.

A cool crab wearing shades

@Packbat even funnier if you use something that isn't a tarot deck, like the guy who does readings with a stack of sesame street flash cards

Ember :autism:
Quiet public

@Packbat @neckspike sounds like a sacrifice must be made to learn it but few are willing to make that sacrifice

Packbats, HTML fangirls ΘΔ&
Quiet public

@RadiantEmber I guess technically we're sacrificing being able to just use the form wizard in LibreOffice Base 🤔

Quiet public

@Packbat @neckspike become a robot?

Packbats, HTML fangirls ΘΔ&
Quiet public

@raindrops generally a good strategy, true

Semi-author-ized L.J.
Quiet public

@Packbat well clearly a deserving candidate--looking at you, Aaron from dev-ops who swiped the last fruit salad cup--must be sacrified to the computer banks. @neckspike

Public you can also ask a small child, they'll probably say something weird and creative to get your imagination started


@Packbat Somewhat unrelated, but a friend of mine was telling me the other day she has a hard time finding custom made tarot deck these days where the back design wasn't clearly AI generated. So they've apparently found a way to start ruining tarot as well.

Packbats, HTML fangirls ΘΔ&
Quiet public

@birdy gross >_<

Major Denis Bloodnok

@Packbat 5 is a bit unfair - a tarot card is never going to say "yes, this amanita phalloides is definitely safe to eat". It might even be Death.

Packbats, HTML fangirls ΘΔ&
Quiet public

@denisbloodnok nnn ... you might not be wrong on that one. you defos can fool yourself by saying the cards show you're right though 🤔


@Packbat also it calls on your own creativity!