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You know what the biggest problem with pushing all-things-AI is? Wrong direction.
I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes.


@AuthorJMac yes! This!

Dry as toast

@AuthorJMac Yep, give me an AI that verifies images are real, not an AI that creates false images.

Joanna Maciejewska

@toast Yes. AI that solves problems, not creates them.

Lee Austin
Quiet public

@crcollins @AuthorJMac @Uncleharvey There are central vaccuum systems that do this and I want one.

Joanna Maciejewska

@MichaelsMind My worry is that the price we pay now (art and writing compromised etc.) isn't going to lead us to any brighter future, because why money-hungry people would go there if they can get all the money now and easier?
I want to be hopeful, but I have my doubts.

Colby Brown

@AuthorJMac I fully agree. The challenge is that there is a correct way to do stuff like laundry and dishes, with material consequences if AI gets it wrong, so not an easy initial use case for new technology that is still kinda random. The element of chance has long been welcome in creative work, sometimes embraced and celebrated.

Joanna Maciejewska

@colby It's a different creative "element of chance" though than a glitch in the algorithm that can count fingers or doesn't know how fabric folds.

Roy Phillips ⚙️

@AuthorJMac If it does the laundry and dishes in the same half-assed way it tries to do art and writing, I probably don't want it doing that, either.

Joanna Maciejewska

@sothach Lol, soooo true!

Jens Zalzala

@AuthorJMac I just asked AI, and it informed me that dishwashers, as well as washers and dryers exist.

Joanna Maciejewska

@anakin78z Once they can load and unload themselves, we can talk. Otherwise, I'm still doing dishes and laundry.

Jens Zalzala

You're not doing laundry and dishes. You're just loading and unloading.
AI art doesn't generate and apply itself either.

Joanna Maciejewska

@anakin78z You're seriously missing the point.

Jens Zalzala

@astroPug @AuthorJMac the idea that AI removes all work is false. It's part of a process, just as doing your dishes in a dishwasher is part of a process. Reading your post, I think your process has lots of room for improvement, but it's not going to be fully automated.

Mike Fraser :Jets:

@AuthorJMac Very well said and spot on.


@AuthorJMac turns out that art and writing were the easy jobs and we should have been paying maid and janitors more all this time.